Category: Beeja News

  • How Do You Find Time to Meditate?

    How Do You Find Time to Meditate?

    Recently, we’ve been thinking about the barriers to meditation. Many people intend to make meditation a habit, but sometimes even the most motivated of us can find our practice slipping – despite quickly feeling the benefits. We explored in a blog post last week some of the common stumbling blocks people can encounter, but we’ve…

  • Difficulty Meditating: The Barriers To Meditation & How To Overcome Them

    Difficulty Meditating: The Barriers To Meditation & How To Overcome Them

    The benefits of meditation are something that, in recent years, have become very well known. From managing anxiety to increasing our levels of productivity, there are scores of reasons why we may want to make meditation a daily habit. Beeja meditation is an effortless technique that can seamlessly fit into modern life, but there are…

  • How Meditation Can Help New Families

    How Meditation Can Help New Families

      One of the things you notice, as you advance through your early life, is a marked changed in the content of your Facebook feed. Photos of neon-waving nights out start slowly disappearing, to be replaced by squishy newborns, perfect and glow-worm like in blankets. It would be easy to think, looking at such benign…

  • Meditation in the Workplace: The Companies Embracing Corporate Wellbeing

    Meditation in the Workplace: The Companies Embracing Corporate Wellbeing

    For a long time, the tough and competitive world of business wasn’t a place you’d expect meditation to flourish. In an environment where results are key and time is of the essence, the idea of sitting down in the apparently unproductive activity of meditation (although, in reality, it is of course anything but!) could appear…

  • Five Ways to Regain Lost Confidence

    Five Ways to Regain Lost Confidence

    While impossible to prove scientifically, it’s pretty much taken as fact of life that, when things go wrong, they all go wrong at once. Generally, positive and negative influences all coexist as you go from one day to the next, neither one massively outweighing the other, but every now and then the negatives grow monster-sized…

  • The Best Meditation Quotes

    The Best Meditation Quotes

    Sometimes, the most relatable, wise and inspiring ideas are condensed into a perfect collection of words, formed into poetic phrases that we can’t help wonder over. Here at Will Williams Meditations, we have many favourite quotes from exceptional individuals across the world, but it’s the quotes that relate (whether intentionally or not) to the experience,…

  • How Meditation Can Make You Look Amazing

    How Meditation Can Make You Look Amazing

      Most of the time, we tend to associate meditation with our emotional and intellectual life. From changing our perspectives to making us kinder, meditation is very much an “internal” thing – and it goes without saying that when it comes to we humans, the most important things lie beneath the surface. But while it’s…

  • High Functioning Anxiety: How Do You Know When It\’s Time to Get Help?

    High Functioning Anxiety: How Do You Know When It\’s Time to Get Help?

    It goes without saying that periods of sadness and anxiety are an inevitable part of life. Bad mental states can weigh on us for weeks or even months, and the stress of the modern world is something that is hard to avoid. But for those with high-functioning anxiety, these normal feelings have slipped into something…

  • Why Aren\’t Our Meditation Courses Free?

    Why Aren\’t Our Meditation Courses Free?

    Meditation is a beautiful, empowering thing. Its power to change people’s lives and foster a mindset of openness, connectivity and compassion across communities is one of the many reasons why we are so inspired to teach this practice. Recently, however, we have seen a few people ask a pointed question: “why does it cost money…

  • Helping Staff Manage Stress During Tough Times

    Helping Staff Manage Stress During Tough Times

    Here at Will Williams Meditation, we think corporate wellbeing is really important. We spend so much of our lives working that making that time as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible should be a big priority across society. If you run a business or manage employees, helping staff manage stress during tough times could make a…