The Best Meditation Quotes

Sometimes, the most relatable, wise and inspiring ideas are condensed into a perfect collection of words, formed into poetic phrases that we can\’t help wonder over. Here at Will Williams Meditations, we have many favourite quotes from exceptional individuals across the world, but it\’s the quotes that relate (whether intentionally or not) to the experience, philosophy and spirit of meditation that we are most fond of. While this list is by no means exhaustive, we have gathered together the best meditation quotes for you to enjoy.

Including words from scientists, meditation masters, campaigners for social justice and more, these quotes aren\’t necessarily things that pertain exclusively to meditation, but that we feel resonates with the experiences we have through meditation.

For instance, when Martin Luther King Jr discussed how injustices targeted at any group go on to impact humanity as a whole, he was talking (with his usual power and eloquence) about the experiences of black people in America and their struggle against institutional racism and the hangovers of slavery. However, he also touched upon the interconnected nature of humanity and universality of the human experience – something which can feel so tangible through regular meditation.

Similarly, the words of poet Maya Angelou in our collection of the best meditation quotes describes how we are the outcome of a lifetime of experiences, even if we don\’t remember them. Easing out the knots of difficult moments and old hurts which have become part of our being is a key part of a meditation practice, replacing all those negative aspects of life\’s adventure with new and positive ones.

But we\’ll stop going on now and let you take a look for yourself!

We would absolutely love to know what your favourite quotes are, and whether you found any in this selection particularly inspiring! Get in touch with us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.

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