Thin in Body, Fat in Consciousness

Greetings one and all. After a refreshing Christmas break it was great to be back teaching again. One of the recurring themes of the last month has been people\’s attention to weight issues and a general dissatisfaction with December\’s waistline developments! So we thought we should address it with a few eye opening ideas about nutrition and meditation, which can transform the way we work with and work off our cuddly bits!

By far and away the most important aspect of being your ideal weight is to have your fat cells operating with the correct amount of insulin resistance. We don\’t, as we might think, gain or lose fat cells, we merely cause our existing cells to engorge under certain circumstances.

Yes if we eat McDonalds every day they\’ll engorge, and of course if we take no exercise then there will potentially be more to store. But if we don\’t have our insulin resistance functioning correctly, it doesn\’t matter how many salad leaves we eat, or how many miles we clock on the keep-fit express, we will struggle to keep them pounds off. And if for any reason we don\’t stay vigilant, we simply get more cuddly!

So how do we work smartly in our war of nutrition? Simples. We live a life free of unnecessary stress. And how do we do that? For most of us, it requires an effective tool to decompress the nervous system and allow it to retain its most natural level of balance again so that we don\’t over-produce some pancreatic critters called Glucocorticoids. Whenever we get stressed we get a rush of these biological bad boys and they totally disturb the equilibrium of our fat stores. And the more we do this, the more our waistline warehousing begins to hoard whatever they can to ensure we always have access to a live-aboard lunchbox.

Some people lose weight of course, when they\’re stressed, and for them the answer is still very much balance and internal harmony. But the majority of us, we gravitate towards having more gravitational pull. And the additional emotional comfort of fatty, sugary foods under the stress response is often too much of a temptation, even for the best intentioned of us! So we end up in double trouble.

It is also worthwhile considering that we are all born with different shapes, and no matter how much the media tries boxing us into picture perfect body ideals, the most natural and healthy way to be, is to be comfortable in your skin.

This is just another area where Beeja meditation is so profoundly brilliant. Not only does it dramatically reduce our stress levels, it also gives us access to daily doses of our underlying field of being, we begin to become less and less identified with the body and more and more identified with what really counts, who we really are.

So next time you\’re considering another arduous session at the gym, just think, you could be sitting peacefully in meditation and achieving far, far more and feeling just as energised, if not more so. And instead of our fat cells being engorged with excess fat no matter how hard we try, we begin to find ourselves bursting at the seams with energy and consciousness.

So instead of worrying about our ballooning belly (itself a stress!), let us climb into our bubble of bliss each day and watch as all life (and cuddly bits) begin to harmonise.

The Benefits of Beeja Meditation


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