
Love: the most captivating, most enchanting and most compelling force on earth.

Everything we do centres on our hunger to give love and receive it. Our activities may be shrouded by a more obvious motive force, but the underlying is always the seeking of love. Love of self and love of others.

But what is this force? Why is it so compelling? How has it brought warriors to their knees and caused Kings to abdicate?

Could it be that to be infused with a love for all things and all beings is actually our natural state of being? Could it be that the personal love we feel is merely the tip of the iceberg? Our experiences of shedding the emotional crust and armour that has formed over the years suggests to us that the answer is a resounding \’yes\’!

But then why don\’t we feel it? Why is this overwhelming and all-flowing feeling something we are more likely to read about when we pick up the poetry of Rumi, or other great visionaries, than experience personally? From the moment of conception, through birth, childhood and then adulthood, we find ourselves absorbing stresses of every nature, and as they accumulate, we lose our connection with this primordial sensation.

Now, we are privy to glimpses of this feeling when we find a sense of unity with another; unity points that develop into a relationship of all kinds (friends, lovers etc), but these moments of all-conquering love can feel fleeting and ephemeral and often not nearly as permanent as we would like. Likewise, the disco biscuits we take on a Friday night can also give us brief, artificial glimpses, but on reflection it doesn\’t feel so real and lasting when you have to ingest chemicals to attain it.

As a result of our senses being so used to perceiving the more manifest layers of life, our sense of unity can be determined by some pretty benign commonalities. I have a group of dear friends who by chance all support Arsenal and this commonality gives us an incredibly strong bond of unity, even when we don\’t see each other that often. It is simply a pretext for communing with each other in an open and sharing way, and this is paralleled by all sorts of other tribal connections we may enjoy. But we are more than tribal. Our sense of unity doesn\’t have to simply end there because we wear the same shirts, share the same name, or belong to the same club. The deeper you can go within yourself, and the freer you are from the bondage of negative programming, the more love abounds and the wider your field of commonality stretches.

But how do we get to this deep richness? There are a number of ways to access the reservoir of nectar that lies within. Some challenging, some less so. The easiest and most profound way is to allow ourselves to de-excite beyond the surface level noise to the place where stillness and peace resides. But to do this systematically is tricky unless you have an effective technique that can reliably take you there with effortless ease. This is where having a key that unlocks your deepest being is so valuable, more so than we may initially realise.

The mantras of the Beeja tradition are designed to do all the work for you so you can become a passenger in your own play for peace and love. All you need do is sit back, relax and set the direction. There is no need to be a back seat driver and try and dictate the routing. A mere impulse of intent is enough. As long as we get in a chair and do our thing twice a day, what will follow is an increasing depth and capacity for love, not just romantically but for all your tribe and for those beyond it. As time progresses, the spectrum of love that imbues us allows our truest and loveliest selves to shine more and more. We then find we have the wisdom of experience, the fearlessness of a pain free being, and the playful joy of a child.

What better combination of attributes to journey through life with than this?

The Benefits of Beeja Meditation


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